1904 S. Buerkle St - Stuttgart, AR 72160

Experience & Care Experienced Veterinary Services

30 Years Experience

At Arkansas County Pet Wellness Center, the ambition is that you should always feel welcome!

Learn More About Us


We offer in house diagnostics with same day results. We also utilize an outside lab that we can send samples to for more detailed diagnostics. The following is a list of in house diagnostics with same day results: - CBC - Chemistry - Urinalysis - Heartworm test - Fecal analysis

Special Care

We offer referral services as needed for the following: Oncology, Specialty Surgeries, CT/MRI, Neurology, Ophthalmology, and other services as needed.

Pet Vaccination

Preventative medicine is very important to a healthy immune system. A good vaccination program is the first defense to building a healthy immune system. Vaccines have great benefits but sometimes come with risks that must be considered for every pet relative to his or her age, size, lifestyle, and underlying health problems. We will determine a vaccination protocol that will provide the best and safest protection for each individual pet.

Veterinary Experts

We are committed to being the most reliable, respected, and trusted source of pet health information available to you. We want to support you by providing concise yet authoritative information on more involved medical and surgical issues that can affect your pets.

Quality You Can Trust Quality Pet Care Service

At Arkansas County Pet Wellness Center, our goal is that you should always feel that your pets come first.

The Staff at Arkansas Pet Wellness Center Our Staff

Come and Meet The Team!

We have an experienced and qualified team to take care of your best friend.


We Have the Best Customers Our Customers Clients Say
